Establishing a Sharps Collection Program

In the world of healthcare, the safety of patients and care providers is paramount, with sharps waste management at the forefront. So, working environments laden with needles, scalpels, and other sharp objects can be rife with potential hazards. It mandates an efficient Sharps Collection Program to ensure sharps’ safe collection and disposal. This blog post will guide you through the process, clarifying why each component is integral.

Scope of a Sharps Collection Program

Running the gamut from equipment procurement to employee training, a well-devised Sharps Collection Program is a comprehensive system having a few crucial elements. These are:

Sharps Containers: These puncture-resistant containers allow sharps to be collected safely.

Sharps Disposal: A secure disposal method, such as incineration or autoclaving, is pivotal in killing infectious agents.

Training: All staff members need training to accurately and safely handle sharps and process their disposal.

Implementing Your Sharps Collection Program: Phases and Priorities

Sharps Containers

The first measure involves acquiring puncture-resistant sharps containers. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these specially designed containers are made from rigid plastic and come in varying sizes based on their intended use.

After that, these containers should have distinct labels and strategic positions in zones where the sharps are. The containers must have robust lids that close securely to prevent accidental spillage.

Safe Disposal of Sharps

After collection comes the critical phase: disposal.

Incineration: Here, sharps are burnt at high temperatures to destroy harmful contaminants effectively. Although an efficient method, it is essential to check possible air pollution during the process.

Autoclaving: This steam-based sterilization kills microorganisms resistant to boiling water and powerful detergents.

Comprehensive Employee Training

The success of your Sharps Collection Program fundamentally hinges on the safe usage and disposal of sharps across your facility. It means investing in in-depth training sessions for your staff, explaining the risks of sharps mishandling, the correct methods of disposal, and steps to prevent needlestick injuries.

Training should not be a one-time event; refresher programs at regular intervals are equally important to keep the safety procedures present in the minds of your personnel.


Instituting a Sharps Collection Program can seem demanding, but the result—a safer working environment—is worth the effort. Addressing the outlined components will aid in building an effective program that aligns with regulatory compliance and safeguards your employees, patients, and the wider community.

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