A Guide to Recycling Christmas Waste

Knowing what to do once presents are opened is essential. While everyone is hurrying to purchase and wrap gifts in time for Christmas, it’s important to remember that gift wraps can affect the environment if improperly disposed of. When it’s time to clean, all the wrapping paper, cardboard boxes, gift bags, and other items that need to be disposed of. Many places offer curbside recycling, but unfortunately, wrapping paper is not considered recyclable as it is made with mylar or foil. There are two things to do with leftover wrapping paper: save and reuse it or throw it away in the regular trash. Listed below are Christmas items that should not be recycled:

(1) Wrapping paper containing non-paper additives, including colored shapes, and plastics
(2) Ribbon, Bows, and Glitter
(3) Real and Fake Christmas Trees

How to Dispose of Each Item

Wrapping Paper

The only wrapping paper that should be recycled is cardboard and 100% paper wrapping by tossing them into a recycling bin at home. However, for wrapping paper that is not considered recyclable, the first step is to check local recycling programs and see if the program accepts non-paper wrapping paper. If the program doesn’t accept wrapping paper, the only solution is to throw it away. Unfortunately, it will end up in a landfill, so it is important to use recyclable wrapping paper.

Ribbons, Bows, and Glitter

Unfortunately, there is no way to dispose of ribbons, bows, and glitter except in a regular trash can. However, it will end up in a landfill. The good news is that these are all reusable and can easily be used for next year!

Real and Fake Christmas Trees

Fortunately, real trees can be disposed of by cutting them down into small pieces and placing them in the green waste bin. In addition, some places will provide a collection service if that is where you purchased your Christmas tree. However, fake trees cannot be recycled, which is why it’s important to get one that will last a long time if you use a fake tree.


Hopefully, after unwrapping all the presents this holiday, all the Christmas trash can be disposed of properly. Merry Christmas from MedPro Waste Disposal!

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